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when he came out to defend

2023-06-10| 来源:互联网| 查看: 317| 评论: 0

摘要: ProsecutionWitnessDouban:9.6⭐:⭐:⭐:⭐:⭐:AdaptedfromtheoriginalworkofAgathaChristie,itisaclassicblackandwhitefilmwithabsoluteguaranteeandoneoft......
Prosecution Witness Douban: 9.6 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

Adapted from the original work of Agatha Christie, it is a classic black and white film with absolute guarantee and one of the must-see movies.

The rebellious and eloquent barrister, who is physically ill, was supposed to be cultivated when he came out to defend a murder suspect who was entangled with a wealthy woman.

In the continuous trial, there is a constant reversal, interlocking, and high energy.

Blade Out of Sheath Douban: 8.2 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

The wealthy novelist passed away on his 85th birthday, leaving behind a billion dollar legacy.

The detective was hired to investigate the truth of the case, and when talking to his family members, he found that the matter was not so simple.

Faced with seemingly harmonious relationships, everyone is actually suspected, hiding secrets, and wanting to compete for inheritance from family members.

Surprisingly, someone intercepted me halfway

The Night Comet Comes "Douban: 8.5 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

It is said that something bad will happen when a comet approaches Terrestrial Time.

On a eerie and gloomy night, a group of people gathered at a friend's house.

When friends gather, the strange feeling becomes more and more abrupt. Suddenly, the lights go out, and when they light up again, everyone realizes that everything has changed

Butterfly effect Douban: 8.8 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

When the male lead was young, he would write down everything in detail, but due to a series of bad things, his mother took him away.

After growing up, tormented by the terrifying memories of childhood, the male protagonist found himself able to return to the past and attempt to change his original life, but things got worse and worse

This is a series, and the first one is worth watching.

Master Key Douban: 8.0 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

Caroline, a nurse, is engaged in Palliative care, taking care of the dying people, and does not want them to die cold.

Give up your original job and go to a remote and ancient house to take care of the male owner of the house with the female owner.

A master key, opening up conspiracies, from disbelief to belief, from struggle to despair

Memory Fragments Douban: 8.7 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

The man with "Short-term memory loss" will tell his story again and again whenever he sees someone.

He tattooed himself and took photos to store his memories, all in order to find the killer of his wife.

Life is like a circle, based on shattered memories, finding the truth, cruel and hopeless.

Mystery of the Female Corpse Douban: 7.6 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

In the rainstorm at night, a female corpse mysteriously disappeared from the morgue, and the security guard was scared into the hospital by a car.

As the husband of a female corpse, he was repeatedly interrogated by the police as the first suspect, revealing his true identity.

What made her husband collapse was that she didn't exist to defend her lover, only to discover that a bigger conspiracy was sweeping towards him

Sixth Sense Douban: 8.6 ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ : ⭐ :

Little Monsters Apollo 11 A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood The Way Way Back Aquaslash
A nine year old boy can see deceased people, but he dare not say that he is seen as a freak, always bullied and isolated.

The psychologist wanted to treat him, but he was rejected by the boy. With the doctor's constant insistence, the boy finally let go of his worries.

As the story develops, it also reveals a mystery
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